They help ensure the smooth running of comms and operations for Kura Kai volunteers and our partnered High Schools across Aotearoa.

They will open their homes to receive and store meal drop offs from our volunteers every week and if they are able to, will even come and collect meals for people that need it. 

They build strong relationships and liaise with the schools on how the freezers are looking, any feedback on meals and post in the group when the next round of meals will be needed.

They will also record your names and meal donations for our records. 

Please remember their roles are voluntary as well, so any help with getting your meals to them prior to the school drop off would be hugely beneficial. Some of our coordinators have a Kura Kai freezer at their homes so can store your meals for you in between drop offs.


Tara DePonte - Northland Coordinator


Email: taradeponte@gmail.com
Mobile: 027 778 2418


Why do you volunteer your time for Kura Kai?

Growing up in Hawai’i and attending a private high school for students of Native Hawaiian (Kanaka Maoli) descent, I was privileged to receive the gift of an amazing education at Kamehameha Schools. The Schools were founded with the mission of improving the capability and well-being of Hawaiians through education and are funded by the inheritance of our last monarch, Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop. My high school rangatahi experience was the most fun, carefree time in my life… and our cafeteria lunch was one of the highlights of our day! My involvement in Kura Kai allows me to pay these gifts I was afforded forward to rangatahi here in my adopted home of Aotearoa.


Tracey Tamihere Papatoetoe/Mangere East, Auckland

 021 022 90686  tmtamihere@gmail.com

Kura you coordinate: Manurewa  High School, Papakura High School and James Cook High School

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura KaiIt gives my whānau an opportunity to give back and help those within our community.  It provides me with an opportunity to role model the concept of manaakitanga to my children which is an important value in our whānau. 


Blaine Hoete - Auckland CBD and wider Auckland (mobile coordinator + Aorere College)

029 200 6225 blaine.hoete@maoriwardens.co.nz 

Kura you coordinate: Blaine is based in the Auckland CBD, and has a support work force of about 60 on the ground all over Auckland!  If you cant find a coordinator in your area, please reach out to Blaine to find a drop off location, or his team may be able to collect your meals (a minimum of 5 meals for the collection service) .

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura Kai? I have always been an avid supporter for giving people a hand up! I have always said give rangatahi the tools to do their best and you will get their best back. Being supported in any manner allows for people to grow and be something what ever it is, it is what they want to be!

Alyse Davidson, Northshore, Auckland

021 263 4463


Kura you Coordinate: North Shore Meal Drop-Off Point

Why do you give your time to Kura Kai?
I have always loved cooking and now that I have a young whānau I love having them in the kitchen cooking with me too (even though it means everything takes ten times longer and a whole lot more mess to clean up). Volunteering for Kura Kai is a tangible way to teach my tamariki about supporting others and giving back. 


Rachel O'Malley, Warkworth

027 6645 555 rachelomalley@xtra.co.nz

Kura you Coordinate: Mahuranga College

Why do you give your time to Kura Kai?
For Mahurangi College it’s all about building and being a part of community. Kura Kai to us is a platform in which we can support whanau and wider with not only food but also being able to show support in times of need. It’s a means in which we can teach our kids how to care and think of others in a practical way.  Being connected and supporting others in our community is how we all learn to thrive.


Anthony Hawkins - Head of Faculty for Technology De La Salle College

 027 3135039


Kura you Coordinate: De La Salle College

Why you joined Kura Kai:

At De La Salle College, we educate boys in a Catholic environment of love and service with the vision of creating great men of Faith, Service, Community and Excellence. We proudly serve the families of South Auckland ensuring their sons are nurtured in an environment that is caring, supportive and inclusive. I am the Head of Faculty for Technology and teach Materials Processing Technologies, DVC as well as Food Technology and Tourism. The reasons why I want to be involved with Kura Kai are manaakitanga and whanau. We are humbled to be involved with Kura kai.



Francis Jamieson, Flat Bush, Auckland

(09) 9740140, ext 4009


Kura you Coordinate: Ormiston Junior College

Why do you give your time to Kura Kai?
Tena koutou katoa.
It is with great pleasure and privilege to be involved once again with Kura Kai. Over the years with our partnership we have been able to get food to hundreds of families through schools in Eastern/Southern Auckland.



Jan Duthie - Putāruru College


Kura you coordinate: Putāruru College

Ken Rowe - Te Aroha


Phone college on 07 884 8625 

Kura you coordinate: Te Aroha College.          Ken is Head of Food Technology at Te Aroha College

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura Kai?

I am passionate about food and teaching, having spent a lot of my life in a kitchen. Educating students about food is really important. In my role I get to help students who need support with food. Providing free lunches to students in school has highlighted the need for extra support for students’ whānau in the community. It is a privilege to be part of Kura Kai.

Kirsty Trevor - Taupō

027 447 7190


Kura you coordinate: Tauhara College in Taupō

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura Kai:
I am the Food Tech teacher and Head of Technology at Tauhara College and saw this as a real life opportunity for our students to be learning to cook, while giving back to the community. I’m a firm believer in helping others wherever I can and am excited about getting our on board with this awesome kaupapa.


Kelly Kingston - Mount Maunganui and Pāpāmoa



Kura you coordinate: Mount Maungaui College, Pāpāmoa College and Te Puke High School

Kura Kai Meal Drop Off  Point:  Thanks to the lovely “Ashley Place Kitchen” – 29 Ashley Place, Papamoa Beach we have a Kura Kai freezer located onsite.  Jaqui runs the cafe and it is open every weekday til around 3pm (sometimes longer).  Please reach out Kelly to coordinate meal drop offs via contact details above.

Gema Martin - Pillans Point, Tauranga

027 461 6388

Kura you coordinate: Otūmoetai College

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura Kai? I believe in paying it forward. Helping with Kura Kai and cooking extra meals now and then is an easy selfless act of kindness that goes a long way to help those in need.

Megan Branks & Sarah Elliott & Karyn Williams - Katikati

Megan 022 265 6565 

Sarah 0212874444  saraelliottwarren@gmail.com

Kura you coordinate: Katikati College

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura Kai? I am a business owner who works from home and am privileged to have access to an abundance of food. I really love to cook and am fortunate to have whanau living close by including a grandson who loves to cook with me. Kura Kai is an amazing charity and working as a volunteer allows me to combine my love of cooking, with spending time with my grandson, while sharing what I have with others. Ensuring everyone in Aotearoa has access to enough affordable good quality food is a subject I am passionate about and Kura Kai allows me to contribute in a small but meaningful way – Megan

Tania Grimstone - Tauranga

021 857 854


Kura you coordinate: The Bay of Plenty Youth Development Trust

The Bay of Plenty Youth Development Trust operates out of Youth Central, which is the largest dedicated youth development and community facility of its kind in Aotearoa.  

The BOPYDT has built strong connections with social services around Tauranga and is focused on supporting youth to be well-rounded, vibrant, independent and responsible. Through engagement with the BOPYDT, youth are supported to be work-fit, ambitious, and active contributors in their communities!


Oliver Webb (Food Tech Teacher)


Kura you coordinate: Aquinas College

Kura Kai Rangatahi (Student led)

Aquinas College students will cook meals as part of school learning and also connect with local volunteers and community groups to fill their kura freezer up. We love seeing rangatahi showing initiative and drive.

Tau kē!

Elena Whinney (Youth Mentor) - Tauranga


Kura you coordinate: Tauranga Girls’ College

Tauranga Girls’ College Students cook regularly to fill their Kura Kai freezer.


Amy Nelson - Ōpōtiki

027 293 1990

Kura you coordinate: Ōpōtiki College

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura Kai? By volunteering for Kura Kai I know I am helping provide one of the basic comforts for families in our community who need it the most.

Kylie Torkington-Carter Kawerau


Kura you coordinate:     Tarawera High School


VACANT - Rotorua


Kura Kai partnered School: Western Heights High School

Please reach out to marie@kurakai.co.nz if you wish to support Western Heights High School with meals.  Our Volunteer Coordinator for this school has gone on sick leave so we are after a temporary replacement.  Reach out if you think this is you!


Hollie Julie - New Plymouth


Kura you coordinate: New Plymouth Boys High School and Spotswood College

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura Kai?  Our family wanted to give back to our community. We love sharing a meal together and Kura Kai supports rangatahi and their families to have the same experience when they need a helping hand. It’s really lovely preparing a delicious meal knowing that our local community benefits.

Tracey Hardey


Kura you coordinate: Te Paepae o Aotea

If you are keen to support Kura Kai at Te Paepae o Aotea please reach out to Tracey.


Mel King - Waipukurau

admin@thefoodbasketchb.com  027 334 4039

Kura you coordinate: Central Hawke’s Bay College

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura Kai?  My work and whānau life revolves around food, I love how Kura Kai creates a pathway for rangatahi to give, and be supported in such a real sense.  We have a community wanting to share, kai connects and strengthens us all.

Pip Faulknor - Napier

pip@faulknorcon.co.nz     027 495 7662

Kura you coordinate: Napier Boys High School

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura Kai?  As soon as I heard about Kura Kai I was keen to get involved.  I was surprised to see it wasn’t already in our area.  Food is my love language and I can’t wait to be part of Kura Kai helping feed our rangatahi and their whānau .


Nicky Wilson - Year 11 Dean and Teacher In Charge of Food


Kura you Coordinate:  Kuranui College

Why are you involved in Kura Kai? I have wanted to be involved with Kura kai since I initially saw the initiative at the beginning of the year. I hope to be able to help our akonga by enhancing initiatives we already have at our kura and removing the stigma behind food insecurity.


Lilly George - Porirua

Contact: Katie Thomas 027 369 7136  korero@kurakai.co.nz

Kura you coordinate: Porirua College, Mana College and Bishop Viard College 

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura Kai? To support our rangatahi

Katie Thomas - Wellington CBD

027 369 7136


Kura you coordinate: I am the Wellington CBD Area Manager,  so no schools specifically but I collect meals to pass on to our Wellington Coordinators

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura Kai? For me, giving back doesn’t just have a dollar figure. Preparing meals for rangatahi and their whānau is such a great way to give time and aroha to a cause that can make such a difference in the lives of our future generations.

Davina Smith - Hutt Valley

021 268 9145

Kura you coordinate: Naenae College, Wainuiomata High School

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura Kai?I’m privileged to work with young people so I see some of the hardships they and their families go through. It is incredible to be part of this awesome initiative as I can see the difference these meals make.


Sophie Taetuli - Year 11 Kaitiaki/Dean Kaiako/ Teacher of Technology


WORK: +64 3 520 8448 (ext 870)


Kura you coordinate:  Marlborough Girls’ College

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura Kai? Kia ora koutou. For Marlborough Girls’ College it is all about manaakitanga, kotahitanga and whānau. Kura Kai is a way our ākonga can actively lead, work alongside, support and serve our community at times of need. It is a privilege to be a part of Kura Kai.


Marie Paterson

022 3044 332


Kura you coordinate:  Haeata Community College and Christchurch area Co-ordinator



Louise Tilyard - Dunedin

021 501 991

Kura you coordinate: Trinity College, Queens High School

Why do you volunteer your time to Kura Kai: After reading about Kura Kai I saw it as such a valuable yet uncomplicated initiative for our kids. I was keen to be a part of this amazing scheme and give back to the community.

Rachel Reed - Dunedin


Kura you coordinate: King’s High School

Kura Kai provides a strategy to assist us, assisting each other…a template not just for school life, but hopefully, for all life