There are a few ways you (and your business or group) can
Feed our Cause today:

Could feed a whānau 1x nutritious meal

Could feed a whānau for a week

Could gift a freezer to a school

Could fill a freezer for a whole school term

Could fill a freezer for a whole school year

Donate products / ingredients

Could feed a whānau 1x nutritious meal

Could feed a whānau for a week

Could gift a freezer to a school

Could fill a freezer for a whole school term

Could fill a freezer for a whole school year
Here in Aotearoa, 1 in 5 kids are living in households where food can – and often does – run out.
As the cost of living increases, so does the struggle for many families to put food on the table.
Hunger is a growing problem in our schools and communities, but you can help by making a small gesture with big (and immediate) impact.

Your opportunity to support our rangatahi and keep their whānau fed in times of struggle and stress, by gifting as little as $20.
Every koha/donation supports our kaupapa of ‘Whānau cooking for Whānau’ — largely through frozen meals that are so much more than just a plate of kai:
They’re a reason for students to continue their education with a full puku & clear mind – taha hinengaro
They’re a physical & emotional reprieve – taha tinana
They’re a sign of community support & connection – taha whānau
They’re a way of opening up much-needed conversations – taha wairua

E iti noa ana, na te aroha || Though the gift be small, it is given with love
Our Kura Kai volunteers and students work hard across the country to keep freezers stocked at secondary schools – but you don’t have to cook up a feed to show your support.
All it takes is $20 and a few clicks.

“Kura Kai has been invaluable in our community, especially given the price of kai at the supermarkets. It’s helped through my Attendance Services role at Pāpāmoa College to connect with whānau, I have been able to take Kai gifts to homes in the community to encourage whānau to engage their tamariki back into Kura.“
David Ngāheu, Rangatahi Mentor of Pāpāmoa College
Your koha/donation will help us reach more rangatahi and whānau
who could use a little help, through resources such as:
Food packaging
Food vouchers
Volunteer support
Operational expenses
Don’t forget – we’re a registered charity so a third of your donation is claimable as tax credit!

“It’s such a comfort to know that there are meals here for our rangatahi and their whānau on those light weeks.”
Ōtūmoetai College
“Our families who need support are very grateful for the kindness shown. The meals have been made with manaakitanga – love and compassion.”
Te Puke High School
“Words can not express how much they have loved the meals and appreciate the kindness given to those in such a time of need”